Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Top Quotes

1. Every teardrop is precious so better make sure that if you drop some, it’s worth crying for you can never pick them up and put them back to your eyes.

2. Never expect love to always be at its best cause if you do, you’ll never learn to appreciate its existence.

3. Don’t force yourself to fall in love just because you think it’s your turn. Wait for a while, maybe cupids are having a hard time searching for the heart that deserves the kind of love you can give.

4. Be careful to whom you give your heart because when you give your heart to someone, you’re not only giving that person the right to love you back but also the power to hurt you.

5. When you make decisions, follow your heart and not your mind. For if your mind’s decision fails, you regret. But if your heart fails, you just smile and say, “Nice try.”

6. People fall in love not knowing why or how. It’s a very special feeling that it doesn’t require any answer. You just love no matter how stupid you become. But no regrets.

7. We will fall in love for the right reasons, to the right person. When that time comes, that love will be worth the long wait, the tears and the pain. Right then we will forget we ever cried.
